




查看: 1342|回复: 5

Object ID List


传奇 Legend


Rank: 16

176 粒
717 枚
86 斤
0 块
350 ℃


发表于 2012-6-16 17:23:26 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Game Object ID List

Weapons :

321 - Regular Dildo
322 - White Dildo
323 - Vibrator
324 - Another Vibrator
325 - Flowers
326 - Cane
327 - A box of some kind <--- No Effect
328 - A large box of some kind <--- No Effect
329 - Removed/Non Existent. <--- DO NOT USE
330 - CJ's Phone
331 - Brass Knuckles
332 - Old VC Screwdriver - Removed. <--- DO NOT USE
333 - Golf Club
334 - Police Truncheon/Night Stick
335 - Combat Knife
336 - Baseball Bat
337 - Shovel
338 - Pool Cue
339 - Katana
340 - Skateboard - Removed. <--- DO NOT USE
341 - Chainsaw
342 - Frag Grenade
343 - Tear Gas Grenade
344 - Molotov Cocktail
345 - Vehicle Missile Launcher <--- Use with caution, very crash prone!
346 - Colt 45 Pistol
347 - Silenced Pistol
348 - Desert Eagle
349 - Regular Shotgun
350 - Sawn-Off Shotgun
351 - Combat Shotgun
352 - Micro Uzi
353 - MP5
354 - Hydra Flare
355 - AK47 Assault Rifle
356 - M4 Assault Rifle
357 - Country Rifle?
358 - Sniper Rifle
359 - Rocket Launcher
360 - Heat Seeking Rocket Launcher
361 - Flamethrower
362 - Minigun
363 - Satchel Charges
364 - Detonator <---- Seemingly Useless.
365 - Spray Paint Can
366 - Fire Extinguisher
367 - Camera
368 - Night Vision Goggles
369 - Infra-Red Goggles
370 - Jet pack
371 - Parachute
372 - Tec-9
373 - Armour model used in Ammunition (No Effect)

Car :

974 - Car Door
975 - Car Bumper
976 - Car Side Panel
977 - Car Bonnet
978 - Car Boot/Trunk
979 - Car Wheel
980 - Additional Bodyparts
981 - More Additional Body Parts

Fun Stuff:

2918 - Mine
1433 - Table
1484 - Beer Botlle
1486 - Other Beer Bottle
1518 - Television
1655 - Ramp
1765 - Chair
1766 - Couch
1211 - Fire Hydrant
1209 - Vending Machine
1227 - Save Disk
1222 - Barrel (Non Explosive)
1225 - Barrel (Shoot it to make it explode)
1340 - Chili Dogs Stand
2222 - Donuts
2985 - Mounted Machine Gun
2964 - Pool Table
3267 - Bomber (Area 69)
3279 - Area 51 lookout Tower
3761 - Shelfs
4563 - Sky Scraper
8493 - Ship in Las Venturas
9900 - Star tower
13592 - Loop the loop
13594 - Ring
5482-5512 - Roads!

new id :

969 - electric fence
981 - 5 road blocks in a row (from island-access blocking)

Various :

1206 - vending machine <--- Use This = Crash
1210 - briefcase
1216 - phone booth
1219 - palette
1223 - lamppost
1341 - ice cream cart
1342 - noodle stand
1378 - huge crane
1384 - top part of construction crane
1383 - crane stand
1543 - bottle of beer
1562 - white jet seat
1572 - airport trolley
1608 - shark
1609 - turtle
1612 - submarine (from SF port, huge)
1622 - security camera
1684 - construction container
7386 - heliport
3092 = Tied up dead cop
2803 = bag of meat
2589 = carcass on a hook
2590 = hook
2804 = Meat
2805 = Meat
2806 = Meat
16410 = grave stones
12961 = grave stones 2 (open grave)
12986 = well
2896 = coffin
2905 = leg
2906 = arm
2907 = torso
2908 = head
2976 = green gloop (2976 and 3082 are great for a Area 69 Capture the capsule mode or something)
3082 = ammo capsule
3007 = chop cop torso
3008 = chop cop right arm
3009 = chop cop left arm
3010 = chop cop right leg
3011 = chop cop left leg
3012 = chop cop head
3028 = sword
3070 = goggles
3071 = dumb bell right
3072 = dumb bell left
2627 = treadmill
2628 = bench 2
2629 = bench 1
2630 = bike
3074 = painting
3077 = blackboard(3077,3086,3085,3078,and 3088 would be cool for a script based on the movie "60 seconds")
3086 = cross off
3085 = 60 seconds list 1
3078 = 60 seconds list 2
3088 = 60 seconds list 3
3108 = base jump target
3113 = carrier door
3114 = carrier lift 2
3115 = carrier lift 1

Misc :

384-393 - Clothes based Objects <---Crashes game
394-397 - Something to do with hands
301-319 - Cut scene Objects (Like CJ's Suitcase, ETC...) <---?Freeze Game? SAMP-Server crashes?
5269 - wall of boxes
17019 - lots of containers (big object)
1257 - bus stop
1686 - Fuel distributor
16776 - Peckers Feed And Seed Chicken
3345 - Caravan by Abandoned Airport

Other :

1210 - briefcase w/target circle
1211 - fire hydrant
1212 - money packet
1213 - small octagonal cap ?
1214 - octagonal concrete post
1215 - octagonal concrete post with light
1216 - public phone stand
1217 - 50 gal drum (plain) with target circle
1218 - 50 gal drum (toxic) with target circle
1219 - wood pallet
1220 - cardboard box (closed)
1221 - cardboard box (closed)
1222 - 50 gal drum with glowing coals
1223 - single light post
1224 - gray crate
1225 - closed 50 gal drum (toxic)
1226 - curved single highway lamppost
1227 - locked green trash bin
1228 - striped work horse
1229 - bus stop/no parking/bus schedule sign
1230 - cardboard box (open)
1231 - short straight double lamppost
1232 - short straight single lamppost
1233 - no parking sign
1234 - phone here sign
1235 - trash can frame ?
1236 - big blue trash bin with flies
1237 - orange & white warning barrel
1238 - traffic cone
1239 - info icon
1240 - heart (health pickup)
1241 - power pill
1242 - armor
1243 - big buoy
1244 - gas pump
1245 - slanted wooden ramp
1246 - small disappearing triangle thingy ? (looks like shrapnel)
1247 - bribe
1248 - gta3 sign
1249 - mail box
1250 - big home mail box
1251 - long horizontal striped pole
1252 - bomb from GTA3 that blew up the bridge from Portland to Staunton...Thanks to Allan
1253 - Photo Op icon (not visible without camera)...Thanks to Allan
1254 - skull
1255 - wooden chaise lounge
1256 - train station bench
1257 - bus stop shed
1258 - mail box
1259 - huge billboard
1260 - big billboard
1261 - small billboard
1262 - single traffic light
1263 - dual traffic light
1264 - larger plastic garbage bag with flies
1265 - smaller plastic garbage bag with flies
1266 - big billboard
1267 - big billboard
1268 - big highway billboard
1269 - gray parking meter
1270 - red parking meter
1271 - wooden crate
1272 - blue house icon
1273 - green house icon
1274 - money icon ($)
1275 - blue t-shirt icon
1276 - TIKI figure with target circle
1277 - save disk icon
1278 - tall stadium light
1279 - wrapped drug bundle
1280 - long wooden bench
1281 - picnic table with red & white umbrella
1282 - striped work horse with light
1283 - over the street traffic lights
1284 - over the street traffic lights
1285 - yellow newspaper vending box
1286 - white newspaper vending box
1287 - black newspaper vending box
1288 - orange newspaper vending box
1289 - red newspaper vending box
1290 - double parking lot lamp
1291 - street mailbox
1292 - special delivery pickup box
1293 - red newspaper vending box
1294 - single parking lot lamp
1295 - tall single parking lot light
1296 - tall single parking lot light
1297 - short single parking lot light (off)
1298 - short single parking lot light (on)
1299 - group of 5 cardboard boxes
1300 - outdoor concrete trashcan
1301 - large concrete cap with handle
1302 - generic soda machine
1303 - boulder (medium)
1304 - boulder (small)
1305 - boulder (large)
1306 - power transformers on utility poles
1307 - tall utility pole with transformers
1308 - small utility pole with transformers
1309 - huge billboard
1310 - parachute with leg straps
1311 - over-the-street direction sign
1312 - over-the-street direction sign
1313 - 2 skulls icon
1314 - 2 players icon
1315 - over-the-street traffic light
1316 - gray horizontal circle
1317 - may be another type of checkpoint cylinder (texture missing?)
1318 - white arrow pointing down
1319 - parking lot ticket taking post
1320 - side-road-on-right traffic sign
1321 - side-road-on-left traffic sign
1322 - curved-road-ahead traffic sign
1323 - T-intersection traffic sign
1324 - 4-way-intersection traffic sign
1325 - big billboard
1420 - ac roof unit
1421 - 2woodboxes with cardboard 1 on top
1422 - construction road-block
1423 - red and blue road-block
1424 - old metal roadblock
1425 - detour sign
1426 - bridge walkway
1427 - road fold-out thing with light
1428 - leaning ladder
1429 - ghetto wood TV
1430 - recycle-bin closed
1431 - 5 wood boxes
1432 - round table with 3 red chairs
1433 - bar table
1434 - single road barricade
1435 - single road barricade 2
1436 - bridge walkway 2
1437 - big leaning ladder
1438 - 8 boxes
1439 - open dumpster
1440 - 5 boxes with 2 trash bags
1441 - 5 boxes 1 open and a plank
1442 - ghetto unlit trash-can-fire
1443 - adult books and video sale sign
1444 - ferry sign
1445 - burger sign
1446 - green picket fence
1447 - ghetto chain fence with tin
1448 - little cardboard box thing
1449 - 2 little cardboard box things leaning
1450 - 2 little cardboard box things leaning with trash bag
1451 - chicken house
1452 - 3/4 an out-house
1453 - squeezed hay roll
1454 - hay roll
1455 - Drum/Ice cream?
1456 - ghetto-fence
1457 - ghettodog-house
1458 - china cart
1459 - construction thing
1460 - ghetto-fence2
1461 - boat bumper thing
1462 - ghetto-wall
1463 - wood stack
1464 - bridge walkway
1465 - construction walkway
1466 - construction walkway 2
1467 - construction walkway left end
1468 - chain-fence
1469 - construction walkway-glass
1470 - porch corner
1471 - porch logn part
1472 - ghetto steps
1473 - ghetto ramp
1474 - ghetto ramp with legs
1475 - ghetto ramp with legs on left
1476 - ghetto 4th table thing
1477 - ghetto ramp with legs on right
1478 - mailbox-whitemetal
1479 - ghetto overhang
1480 - mini wedding thing
1481 - BBQ grill
1482 - ghetto overhang 2
1483 - ghetto low roof
1484 - R*beerbottle
1485 - BIGGWEED!
1486 - big beer
1487 - big beer 2
1488 - wall beer
1489 - NONE
1490 - frontyard ballas gang tag
1491 - 8sqr door
1492 - green door
1493 - red ghetto screen door
1494 - blue old door
1495 - old blue chain door
1496 - blue old barred door
1497 - metal bolted door
1498 - CJ's door
1499 - big bolted metal door
1500 - barber door
1501 - old screen
1502 - classic wood door
1503 - box with tin as jump
1504 - red 6sqr door
1505 - blue 6sqr door
1506 - white 6sqr door
1507 - yellow 6sqr door
1508 - wide metal double doors
1509 - big beer 3
1510 - big concrete/metal dog dish shape
1511 - wall beer 2
1512 - whiskey bottle
1513 - candy bar rack
1514 - cash register
1515 - lucky dragon triple poker machine
1516 - small card-table
1517 - sqr beer bottle
1518 - TV
1519 - construction walkway 3
1520 - sqrR*beer
1521 - avery construction walkway
1522 - store door
1523 - Cluckin' bell swinging door
1524 - frontyard ballas gang tag 2
1525 - frontyard ballas gang tag 3
1526 - San Fierro rifa gang tag
1527 - rollin heights ballas gang tag?
1528 - seville blvd families
1529 - temple drive ballas gang tag
1530 - Los Santos vagos
1531 - varrio~los~aztecas gang tag
1532 - 24/7 shop door
1533 - burger shot door
1534 - chunk of warehouse window
1535 - safe house door
1536 - old push door
1537 - tattoo door
1538 - old unused door
1539 - freeway overhang sign
1540 - double lane freeway over hang sign
1541 - bar beer push thing
1542 - soda push dispenser
1543 - pissh beer bottle
1544 - revolver beer bottle
1545 - bar beer push thing 2
1546 - big gulp sprunk
1547 - pissh label
1548 - ice collector thing for bar
1549 - trashcan/ashtray
1550 - sack of money from caligula's
1551 - big beer 4
1552 - weird part of warehouse open door/window
1553 - glass foggy window
1554 - concrete upside-down pyramid
1555 - motel room door
1556 - yellow metal store-door
1557 - fancy door
1558 - forklift box
1559 - small yellow cone for person
1560 - 247 logo door
1561 - 247 logo door 2
1562 - plane chair no head
1563 - plane chair head part
1564 - NONE
1565 - plane light on ceiling
1566 - restaurant door
1567 - closet door
1568 - Chinatown lamp-post
1569 - store door
1570 - Chinatown stand
1571 - little metal stand
1572 - saveway airport shopping cart
1574 - full trash can
1575 - white sack of cocaine
1576 - brown sack of cocaine
1577 - yellow sack of cocaine
1578 - green sack of cocaine
1579 - blue sack of cocaine
1580 - red sack of cocaine
1581 - Millie's scan card / Chuff security Card: Officer P. Rowe
1582 - hot pizza-box
1583 - gta3 Luigi
1584 - gta3 Misty
1585 - gta3 Asuka
1586 - ammunation target 2 things gone
1587 - metal sqr with two bars sticking out
1588 - vice-city ammunation part 1
1589 - vice-city ammunation part 2
1590 - vice-city ammunation part 3
1591 - vice-city ammunation part 4
1592 - vice-city ammunation part 5
1593 - tire spikes
1594 - chess/checkers table with 4 chairs
1595 - big satellite dish
1596 - small satellite dish
1597 - palm tree street planter
1598 - beach-ball
1599 - yellow fish with blue eyes
1600 - rainbow fish
1601 - group of rainbow fish
1602 - single jellyfish
1603 - red jellyfish
1604 - rainbow fish
1605 - group of yellow fish with blue eyes
1606 - group of rainbow fish 2
1607 - dolphin
1608 - shark
1609 - yellow turtle
1610 - concretes and castle looking thing
1611 - top of this^
1612 - sub-marine
1613 - role thing
1614 - blue sign thing
1615 - yellow sign thing
1616 - security camera
1617 - air conditioning-makes smoke
1618 - skinning wide airconditioning-makes smoke
1619 - wall box thing?
1620 - air vent grate
1663 - Single chair (SF Driving school chair)

1971 - kb_flykiller
1972 - kb_cuntopdisp2
2792 - CJ_AIR_D_1
2793 - CJ_AIR_D_2
2794 - CJ_AIR_D_3
2795 - CJ_AIR_D_4
2796 - CJ_AIR_D_6
3265 - "Will be shot" sign
3267 - roof
3505 - Pinacle Tree
3890 - lib_street09
3891 - lib_street08
3893 - lib_street05
3894 - lib_street11
3899 - lib_street04
3900 - lib_street12
3910 - trackshad05
3914 - snowover02
3919 - lib_main_bistrotop
3920 - lib_veg3
3921 - lib_counchs
3942 - bistrobar
3943 - mid_staircase
3944 - bistro_blok
3961 - Boxkitch
3962 - lee_Plane07
3963 - lee_Plane08
3964 - lee_Plane09
3965 - lee_Object11
3967 - AIRPORT_int2
3969 - BAG_BELT2
3972 - mon1
3973 - CJ_BAG_DET
4504 - cuntw_roadblockld
4505 - cuntw_roadblock01ld
4506 - cuntw_roadblock02ld
4507 - cuntw_roadblock03ld
4508 - cuntw_roadblock04ld
4509 - cuntw_roadblock05ld
4521 - CE_Flintwat01ld
4522 - CE_Flintintld
2791 - airport arrive and stuff
2803-2806 - meat stuff (3)
2824-2827 - books and paper (3)
2828 - photos of people
2892 - spike strip, short
2899 - spike strip, long (x2)
2895 - flowers (x2)
2894 - collegeblock (open)
2896 - chest
2902 - coffe thing (small)
2898 - green carpet (?)
2903 - bag (wierd, it has an parachute on it)
9219 - same bag (but without parachute)
2966 - GPS (2967)
2905-2908 - body parts (from the mower, the big one)
2913 - gym stuff (also on 2915, 2916)
2914 - green flag (capture da flag)
2920 - stop bar (yellow and black)
2956 - mini crane! (like cj)
2958 - Kbeer (that brought the forest down)
2960 - steel thing (about cj's lenght)
2961&62 - fire button & text
2992 - ring (perfect for weddin)
2993 - green flag (like the 2914) (capture da flag)
2994 - restaurant thing
2995-3003 - pool balls (spell?)
3004 - pool ball hitter (spell?)
3017 - blue map (rolled)
3111 - blue map (same,) (but un-rolled)
3026 - parachute (blue, and laying on the side)
3027 - weed (small one) (smoking)
3028 - katana (standing)
3030 - radio thingy (big)
3031 - radio reciever
3038 - christmas lights
3044 - bigweed
3053 - magnet (on the heli)
3056 - horse shoe magnet (spell..)
3070 - goggles (nightvision maybe)
3074 - big white wall
3082 - military green thing (small)
3085 - Wanted list part 1
3086 - feather (small)
3087 - Wanted list part 2
3088 - Wanted list part 3
3091 - "line closed" sign
3092 - DEAD COPPER (!)
3096 - repair pickup (!)
3108 - parachute target (white)
3110 - A taste of ---- -- come...
3122 - weird movement on katana (like the para anim)
3126 - tattoo tool
3129 - car door (burned?)
3131 - parachute (opened up) (falling on ground)
3068 - Stowaway part 1
3069 - Stowaway part 2
3399 - stair, normal
4516 - roadblock
4524 - big roadblock
4527 - small roadblock
1459 - breakable small roadblock - police swat thing
1422 - unbreakable small roadblock
13667 - monkey man!
13666 - loop big
13629 - TV screen
1593 - stinger
Pirate Ship from LV = 8493
Staircase = 6976
A Shark! = 1608
The loop from interior stunt stadium = 13592
9900 - big skyscraper SF
1600-1609 - fishes
1598 - ball xD
9455 - very big land
11490 - torrenos ranch
3556 - small blue house
3557 - small purple house
3590 - small house
3608 - big rich house
3609 - big house
3608 - big house
3619 - villa
3607 - villa
1431=5 wood boxes
1432=round table with 3 redchairs
1433=bar table
1427=road fold-out thing with light
1378 - huge crane (port)
1384 - top part of construction crane
1383 - crane stand (the tower)
3872 - floodlight beams
1655 - jump
14866 -bed
3461 - torch (gives flames)
3243 - teepee
3279 - area51 tower
1596 - satellite small
1278 - stadium light
1271 - crate
2780 - smoke machine


参与人数 4宝石 +6 金币 +10 精力 +4 收起 理由
750523466 + 1 + 10 + 1 good job!
萌猫Smiling + 1
kami + 2 + 2
SONY + 2 + 1


奇迹 Miracle


Rank: 18Rank: 18Rank: 18

183 粒
15806 枚
158 斤
0 块
1016 ℃


发表于 2012-6-16 17:28:58 | 显示全部楼层
Whao!! very detailed~~
Support~My gem point today are "out of stock"...Tomorrow i'll give you back~~
Really great and thank's...


参与人数 1金币 +4 收起 理由
root + 4 抢楼奖励


达人 Expert

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

9 粒
-41 枚
-387 斤
0 块
82 ℃
发表于 2012-6-16 19:08:09 | 显示全部楼层
Very helpful, thanks


参与人数 1金币 +3 收起 理由
root + 3 抢楼奖励


传奇 Legend


Rank: 16

140 粒
573 枚
30 斤
0 块
32 ℃
发表于 2012-6-16 20:57:03 | 显示全部楼层
useful list..


参与人数 1金币 +1 收起 理由
root + 1 抢楼奖励


达人 Expert


Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

5 粒
8814 枚
47 斤
0 块
256 ℃


发表于 2012-6-16 22:03:01 | 显示全部楼层
thank you~~~  i need research  @kwanz



77 粒
2404 枚
20 斤
0 块
119 ℃
发表于 2012-6-17 02:23:43 | 显示全部楼层
提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽



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